
A collection of 7 posts

Stack-canary (ROP), format string leak plus how I learned that nullbyte is not a badchar to scanf("%s",buf) - while socat ignores read on STDIN - MBE LAB8A

This time we are having some fun with a standard null-armored stack canary, as well as  an additional custom one (we will extensively cover both scenarios, as there's plenty of subject matter here), plus some peculiarities regarding scanf() and read(). The relevant MBE lecture can be found here http://security.
14 min read

Out-of-bound read-write without integer sign flipping - MBE LAB8B walkthrough - the bonus version without using thisIsASecret() function

Introduction This is the continuation of - the bonus version not utilizing the thisIsASecret() function to get the shell. So, the basic version was in fact very simple after figuring out how to control EIP. We just overwrote it with a pointer to this function: Now,
11 min read
No one really cares about cookies and neither do I